“May the force be with you, keep breaking through”

Prime Particleは、スタイリッシュで機能的なメガネを提供するオンラインブランドです。デザイン、品質、快適さにこだわり、すべての顧客に最高の体験をお届けします。

Find the glasses that suit you with Prime Particle

Prime Particle

Prime Particle is created by a group of international youngsters, missioned connect the manufacture direct with the customer in a smart way.

For many people, it is not easy to get prescription eyeglasses at a really affordable price, we revolutionized the entire supply chain model to make the entire system way more efficient and the product way more affordable under good quality.

So we believe you will surely find eyeglasses that will appeal you here.


Our brand name is derived from the quote "may the force be with you" from the movie "Star Wars".

When you receive the products purchased on the official website, when you open the eyeglass case, you will see words that symbolize protection and blessings from the original power and bring good luck. We hope that our customers will be blessed with good fortune, just like drawing a "great good luck" every time in an omikuji.

In addition, from the most basic atomic unit of elementary particles to the finished spectacles that can be obtained, everything is produced with our hearts, so customers can use it with confidence. We believe that Prime Particles will bring you a different experience.

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4 reasons to choose Prime Particle